




Purpose and Program

Legion Boys State is a practical training program in local and state government in which selected boys participate in actual learning experiences. We attempt to (1) illustrate to the boys the principles of representative form of government, (2) arouse an enduring interest in governmental affairs.

Boys State is a functional practice of democratic activities. Its citizens will apply knowledge already acquired concerning political machinery of commonwealth. They will receive additional instruction from competent men in selected fields. They choose their own officials in accordance with regular election procedures. They will organize and operate their own city, county and state governments. They introduce and argue their own bills in legislature. Justice is administered by their own law enforcement agencies and courts. In Boys State, the young citizen has the opportunity to learn that his government is just what he makes it.

Assignment of boys to mythical "Nationalist" and "Federalist" parties is for operational purposes, and to illustrate some of the responsibilities they will be called upon to assume when they become adults.

The Constitution and the Statutes of the State of Minnesota are the patterns from which the fundamental laws of Legion Boys State have been developed. Thus, Boys State should be thought of as an imaginary 51st state, constructed by its citizens to govern themselves.

Eligibility and Selection

Boys State is open to all boys regardless of race, color or national origin.

Only students who are finishing the junior year of high school, and who will be seniors in the following term of school, are eligible to participate in Boys State. Boys will be chosen from among students who are in the upper one-half of their class scholastically. The following qualifications will be considered in determining eligibility:

  1. A leader.
  2. Able to get along with others.
  3. Enthusiastic, with good personality and good character.
  4. Honest.
  5. Interested in a citizenship training program.
  6. Have demonstrated good quality in the classroom and community.

 American Legion Minnesota Boys State

 Informational Brochure